Cable Jointing Refreshers

Cable Jointing Refreshers

Cable Jointing Refreshers

High Voltage Cable Jointer Refreshers are recommended for all existing Cable Jointers. High Voltage Cable Jointers are also required to attend Competent Person to Receive Safety Documents refreshers every three years.

Low Voltage Cable Jointer refreshers are recommended for all existing Cable Jointers.

High Voltage Cable Jointer Refresher Course

The High Voltage Cable Jointer Refresher is two days in duration.

Low Voltage Cable Jointer Refresher Course

The Low Voltage Cable Jointer Refresher is two days in duration.

Annual Safety & Compliance

Annual Safety and Compliance days are an excellent way to encourage and maintain a positive safety culture in your company.

If you would like to discuss bespoke safety and compliance events please get in touch.

Interested in contributing?

If you have info or best practice techniques for common or unusual cables share the story, helping others to understand the best way and workmanship they should be using.

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